Violation of Patient Rights

Violation of Patient Rights at Nursing Homes

San Diego Elder Abuse Attorney

When a person is admitted into a nursing home, whether it is temporary or permanent, they do not lose their civil liberties or human rights. Sadly, improper staffing and / or poorly trained personnel in many nursing homes result in the failure to provide residents with the level of care and quality of life they deserve. If you suspect your loved one is a victim of nursing home abuse and negligence, it is crucial to seek the counsel of our San Diego elder abuse lawyer as soon as possible.

Schedule a Free Evaluation Today

In the state of California, residents or patients in a nursing home have the following rights:

If a nursing home fails to provide residents with the quality of life they deserve, the facilities should be held accountable for their actions. The abuse and negligence of elderly citizens is simply inexcusable. At Pick Law, we can create a legal claim to help you seek justice for your loved one. We may be able to obtain compensation for your loved one after his or her rights were violated while in nursing home care.

Ready to file a claim against a negligent nursing home?

Request a free case evaluation, in person or over the phone!

Our San Diego Elder Abuse Attorney Can Fight For You

When it comes to protecting the rights of victims, our lawyer is relentless and aggressive. We are not afraid to stand up to anyone, not even the insurance companies that back negligent nursing homes. You can be sure that when you entrust your case to our office, it will be in good hands. Please contact us for more information about the claims-filing process.